Having not blogged for ages I saw @jreulbach's tweet announcing the return of 'Sunday Funday', a weekly blog prompt for Maths Teachers (mainly in the US), and this was the inspiration I needed to get back to it. Furthermore, I'm changing roles from September, stepping down from Head of Maths and returning to being just a normal Teacher of Mathematics in another of my local schools. I'm very excited about my change as I will be getting back to what I love doing - teaching, and not worrying about all the other external pressures being HOD brings (<-- see previous blog post).
So, this week's prompt is 'Goals'.
My 'goals' for this coming school year are wholly centred on getting back to focusing on my classroom teaching and teaching the best Maths lessons I can to the students I will teach. So, here's a few things (in no particular order) I'm hoping to achieve this year...my 'goals'...
- Establish myself in my new school. Get to know my students, their parents/carers and my colleagues
- Develop my teaching - all those new topics that have dropped into the new 1-9 GCSE I taught for the first time this year just gone by need developing and resourcing further as well as continuing to hone my craft in general
- Get back to my blogging/tweeting/youtubing ways of old. I just haven't found time to do this as often as I'd have liked since being HOD and I thoroughly enjoyed them when I was a classroom teacher previously and it helped me reflect on my teaching and my students' learning.
- Be a great dad! I became a dad for the first time back in May and intend to be the best I can for my (currently 3-month old) daughter
I'm very excited for what the new school year will bring. I'm off to my new school on Monday to set up my classroom, which I will blog about here next week (watch this space). Then, it's 4 more weeks of enjoying time with the family before starting back on Sep 4th with my new Year 7 form group '7PCO'!
I'm glad to see the return of the Sunday Funday blogposts and will enjoy reading others' posts.