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2 0 1 4 challenge

Last year I did the following challenge with my classes that is based on the '4 fours challenge'... http://mrcollinsmaths.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/2-0-1-3-challenge.html

Before I'd even got the chance to start thinking about this year's one I saw the following tweet:

In response to this tweet Clarissa Grandi (@c0mplexnumber) gave a link to her resource on the TES that she used last year to create her display - - > http://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/Yearly-Maths-BIDMAS-Challenge-interactive-display-6323177/.

I have previously used Magic Whiteboard (www.magicwhiteboard.co.uk) to create the display, but this year I thought I'd have a change as I wanted to put the display on the wall outside my room and so downloaded Clarissa's resources (they're very good).

Here's how my display looks this year...

I have posed the challenge to my KS3 classes and my top set Y10 class (my Y11s have more pressing things to be worrying about)!

I have also sent round Clarissa's ppt to the rest of our department so it is more than just my classes' challenge.

Here's how we're getting on so far...

 1-10 are all done

11-20 all done too

21-30 all done too
 31-40 a few missing still

41-50 the latter ones still to do
 51-60 not many done

 the 60s are proving tricky
 and the 70s
 the late 80s are needing some thought
 not many 90s done either?

If you're doing the challenge too it'd be great to see how you're getting on. Tweet me @mrprcollins or comment below...

I don't know if all numbers 1-100 are achievable yet. I know there are defnitely more my classes could do. When I took my Y10 books in to mark the other day one of my students has started to go through all the numbers himself...pic to follow!

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