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Raising the Awareness and Use of Numeracy Across the Curriculum

I mentioned in my #nurture1314 review post that I would write a blog post about the progress I had made with Numeracy Across the Curriculum. I have been focusing on raising the awareness, and use, of numeracy across the curriculum in my 'Aspiring Middle Leaders' course that I completed this year. Below are the details of what I have done to date and what I hope to continue with further from September.

My school have a series of 'Working Parties' that have been set up by certain members of staff to focus on key areas across our school that have been identified as needing developing. I volunteered to lead the 'Numeracy Working Party' and was soon given names of the 4 colleagues that would join me (each member of staff was encouraged to sign up to a working party as part of our performance management stuff). I set up an initial meeting, which unfortunately some colleagues were unable to attend, to discuss the ways in which we were going to develop numeracy at our school. Having previously been asked to run the ITT/NQT Numeracy session I knew that we had little in place and that we'd have to start with a few ideas and develop things on a larger scale at a later date. To read my post on the session I delivered to my school's new members of staff click here (it is, to date, my most popular blog post).

The first thing we did was to create a new 'Numeracy Across the Curriculum Logo'. Our school, since the start of the year have been using logos for SMSC and we felt that the numeracy logo would fit in well with this existing project. The SMSC logos are there for staff to add to their teaching resources when certain aspects of SMSC come up in their lessons. We also have posters detailing what each of the 4 logos mean and so staff refer to the posters and logos in their lessons when spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects are involved. Here are our school's SMSC logos...

Our aim was that the numeracy logo would be used in the same way as the SMSC logos; staff would add the logo to their lesson resources when numeracy was being taught in their subject.

Here's the numeracy logo...

As you can see the logo is very similar to the SMSC logos. The idea was that they look like the logos for the 'app's you get on smartphones etc. In addition to the logo we created a poster to be put up in class too, alongside the SMSC posters, or wherever teachers had space (mine's on my whiteboard).

Here's what the posters look like...

The logo is a big part of the poster and the idea is that we were trying to get teachers to get their students to think about, when they were using their numeracy skills, where they may be applied to their other subjects and outside of school.
I used  the logo in my Mathematics lessons as well and would often ask (with one class in particular who I 'trialed' the use of the logo with) when could you use the skills you are learning in this lesson in one of your other subjects, much like it says on the posters. This lent itself to lots of good discussions as to when their skills could be used elsewhere and links I hadn't initially thought of for some topics. The reason for doing this was that we discussed as a working party the problem that students do not always see their skills in one subject being transferable to another and that as soon as they've left one classroom they go to the next assuming they'll be told, there, everything they need to know - not realising they already have learnt certain skills they can use to help them. Our aim with the logo and the posters was not only to raise awareness, but to get students to start using their skills across their subjects and start thinking about where their learning could help them elsewhere - and not just in their Mathematics examinations!

Below is an example of one of my working party colleagues lesson slides they used with their French class...

As you can see they've added the logo to the slide and asked the class what it meant and highlighted that they were about to use their numeracy skills.

This was the lesson after she had introduced the logo to them and on asking them what the logo meant a few students responded with 'we're about to use numbers' or 'it's when we need to use our number skills'.

However, the logo hasn't, to date, been used as much as we'd hoped as its use has been limited to the 4 or 5 of us in the working party. What I'm hoping to do is speak to the heads of faculty in September to start rolling it out to the rest of staff to use where necessary. There are, however, posters up in all the Mathematics classrooms.

In addition to the logo and the posters we decided, in subsequent meetings, that we could also utilise the time we have in tutor periods each week to develop the use of numeracy. So, using the fantastic resources that Emily Hughes aka @ilovemathsgames creates, I started sending round - to Year 9 (my form team) and subsequently Y10 (the HoY10 is in the numeracy working party) numeracy puzzle(s) of the week. These puzzles were to be done in form time, when the tutor could fit them in, and students rewarded for their successful completion of them.

Here's some of the e-mails I've sent to the tutor teams explaining how to use them...

 One of the 1st e-mails I sent to my form team (Y9). Where necessary I pointed out links to the answers to puzzles or gave a bit more information that some students may need to solve the puzzle(s). Originally, I got the tutors to e-mail me names of those students who had answered them correctly, so that I could reward them via SIMS or with small 'prizes' of confectionery.
This is one of the more recent e-mails (Y10 now included too). Tutors are now rewarding students themselves as it's better for students to see an immediate reward for their success, rather than have someone behind the scenes 'apparently' giving them reward points on SIMS that they may not see or be aware of.
This also alleviated some of the work I was doing!

Here's an example of what the Numeracy Puzzle(s) of the Week look like...
you can see all of @ilovemathsgames puzzle(s) here-http://ilovemathsgames.wordpress.com/category/puzzle-of-the-week/

I have added the logo to the home slide (and 'Numeracy Puzzle(s) of the Week') as to start with students, when surveyed, still did not realise they were doing 'numeracy' when they were doing these puzzles. Now, there's no mistaking that that's what they're doing!

For the puzzle(s) themselves, check out Emily (@ilovemathsgames)'s blog above! Thanks once again, Emily.

Having already had our year team briefing about next year, I can report that numeracy will now be included once a fortnight into the year team schedule and my HoY is keen for me to continue sending round the puzzles. I am hoping that he can convince the other year teams to do similarly!

As one of the numeracy working party suggested, it would be best if we could try and get the puzzles for each year group to match up, as far as possible, with the skills they'd need for their subjects in that particular fortnight. This is our 'end goal', if you like, with the puzzle(s) of the week and will look to get this in place at some point next year.

That's what I/we've been up to this year to try and develop the use of numeracy and raise the awareness of it. There is plenty I still want to develop and look into too. Some of the other ideas I have are:

 - assigning members of the Mathematics department to each other department, so they have a point of contact when needing to get advice on teaching numeracy in their subjects
 - trying, as much as possible, to match up Schemes of Work across the curriculum. We have a problem whereby certain subjects need students to be able to do certain skills, which they are not taught in Mathematics until later in the school year (according to the schemes of work).
- having a bank/website of resources for staff to use/get ideas from when trying to build in numeracy activities into their lessons. I have created a few starter videos for my teacher of French colleague in the working party to use with her Y7 class. The video involves me giving the class a short starter task based on what the students would need to use in that lesson. The teacher just needs to play the video and then discuss the answers and later use of the skills in their lesson. This way it is like the students' Mathematics teacher is 'popping up' in their other subjects to give them a bit of a task/help - I like this concept and would love the rest of the Mathematics department to do similar videos for other subjects to use - perhaps with their 'link' department, as above.

There's so much to be done/that could be done. This is all having to be done in an unofficial capacity, but I do feel there is a strong need for this to be done and so will continue to do as much as I can when time allows. The basics are there to go from and it's a case of trying to get the above ideas/activities spread out across the rest of our school.

I hope, if you're in charge of numeracy at your school, that you've found the above post worthwhile reading? It'd be great to hear how other schools are approaching numeracy (if at all) and where you are in your process(es). Tweet me @mrprcollins or comment below.

iPad Apps

I was very lucky a couple of months back to have received an iPad for my 30th birthday. Now, I'm not 30 until September the 12th, but having an awesome mother always comes in handy when there's something you really want! So, she very kindly offered to get it for me early so I could get used to it and get it all ready for the new school year; she knew this was what I was hoping to do with it.

I blogged back in May about the initial thoughts and issues I was finding with being able to use the iPad at school, to see this post click here. I'm hoping come September that our ICT will have moved closer to a position where I can wirelessly connect to our school's Network and avoid trailing wires from my projector etc!

Having had plenty of time to download apps, get used to working on the iPad and having read lots of blogs suggesting apps to use etc, I thought I'd post about the apps I have been using and aim to use this coming school year...

Click on the app title to go straight to the iOS App Store
FYI - some of the apps are free, others cost a small amount to download. Apps may be available on other platforms other than iOS?!

(These are in no particular order)

  • The Basic Apps...


These apps were free to download due to me getting a new iPad. I believe they are free if you got an iPad since a certain date - older iPads require you to pay for these. The 'Pages' app is the equivalent of 'Word', 'Keynote' the equivalent of 'PowerPoint' and 'Numbers' the equivalent of 'Excel'. They're all very easy to use and get used to - you can import any word document, spreadsheet and presentation to them and the only thing that seems to change is fonts and some layouts.

Adobe Reader

Allows you to open and read pdfs on your iPad.


The Blogger app has come in handy when I've wanted to compose a blog post when not at home with my laptop. It works just like the full web version. The only problem I've found is that when uploading images it can get a bit tricky to change their size and scroll through the post you're composing if you have inserted quite a few images - I'm probably not doing something right?!


Great for accessing all of my files I store in here, share with others and get access to those folders that others have kindly shared with me. A lot of apps use Dropbox and allow you to backup data here. All files on certain apps can be imported/exported from/to Dropbox.


I don't really need to go into detail here do I - but obviously a must have!


Used to view the Prezis I have created. I can create/edit them straight from the app too.


I create a lot of surveys using surveymonkey.com and so this app is really handy for viewing my surveys, creating new surveys and analysing data collected.

  • Recommended/Really Useful Apps

The apps below are those that I have found to be extremely useful and I will be using these on a regular basis come September...


This app probably needs its own separate blog post to write about everything that is amazing about it. It is essentially a teacher's complete planning, preparation and assessment tool. This app will be replacing my paper teacher's planner this year and I am extremely impressed with how fully synchronised it is between your timetable, calendar and classes! There's just so much that's brilliant about this one and it's well worth the small price you pay.

RD Client

This app allows you to connect remotely to a Microsoft Exchange Server. Essentially this is the app that allows me to connect to my school's server (and my school PC) remotely, from home/on the road etc.


I really like the look and feel of this app. It's an app that allows you to create many notebooks, write in them, take photos and insert them alongside your notes, there are different types of paper you can write over and you can sync this up with 'Evernote', if that's something you use, too. I've already used this app loads when taking down observation notes when observing ITT students. I write my notes using a stylus pen and then walk around the classroom taking photos to insert alongside the notes that my students can then use for their evidence. This worked particularly well when observing an ICT lesson - I took photos of student's screens and the mymaths results they were getting throughout the lesson to show progress being made etc.


If you've read any of my previous blog posts you've probably clicked that I use SMART notebook a lot at school and so having the app on my iPad too, to edit my notebook slides (imported from the Dropbox app), is brilliant. I've also used it to give students extra support in class by bringing up the notebook I'm using for that lesson on my iPad and having it in front of them. This has allowed me to let the student that's finished before others to look ahead whilst the rest of the class are finishing, it's allowed me to re-explain the lesson to those that have struggled and could even be used for those students who are struggling to see the board clearly - if only they all had a device I could share my lessons to!


This app is great. It can be used as a whiteboard to show students in class further examples. You can record these videos and share them with others, you can find videos others have made and shared too.


The Skitch app allows you to annotate pretty much anything. You can sync this with Evernote too, just like the Penultimate app above. I have used this app to highlight over the teaching standards when giving ITT students feedback from observed lessons. I use the app to highlight/annotate over the standards document for them to then keep in their folders/upload to their evidence. You can do some great things with the app including adding text, emoticons, arrows and even blurring out parts of images etc - this is particularly useful for keeping any names/faces from photos taken in class to ensure anonymity!

Socrative (Teacher and Student)


Socrative is great, I have many quizzes already set up on their site and having this available on my iPad is great for setting quizzes to my classes as I walk round the room. I can then use the student version of the app to allow those students that don't have a mobile device to answer the quiz.

  • Mathematics Apps

The below apps are great for teaching Mathematics (and some other subjects) and have come in handy already...


It's just brilliant - everything the website does, in an app. I've used this at the back of the class whilst observing ITTs when I've forgotten my calculator. It's also great for checking answers to questions when putting together resources and has saved loads of time putting together answers to homework sheets we've recently been setting up for the new school year.

My Script Calculator

This app allows you to write loads of calculations to which the answers are returned automatically (or manually if you'd prefer). It is a hand writing recognition tool that gives you answers to your written questions - pretty impressive, but there are limitations to it and how you write out certain calculations. Students find it impressive when you can quickly get answers to their ridiculous requests; "sir, what's 56382 x 5423?"!


This is a really impressive app that allows you to keep values and use them in different calculations. For example, if you wanted to work out 15% of £540 the app would kindly do this for you. If you then wanted to use the answer to this calculation to then share over, say 3 time periods (you might be spreading a 15% deposit on something over 3 months), you could then take the answer and divide it by 3. However, here's the clever bit...if you then realised you got the percentage wrong you could change the % to say 20% and the rest of the calculations, that you've simply linked together using the app, would automatically update! Nice, eh!?

Quick Graph

Allows you to create and add graphs to a set of axis - great for students to investigate the equations of lines/curves, solve simultaneous equations etc.


There are loads of apps that provide manipulatives like dice, spinners, coins etc, but the Geoboard app provides a resource that I wouldn't otherwise have (we don't have any geoboards lying around the dept). No more need for loads of rubber bands and pinned boards! This could be included the below section too (as could a lot of the above apps).

  • Maths apps I have, but would be even better if students had 1:1 devices...


All the MathsWatch videos available in one app using your existing log in (if you have one). Good for giving students extra guidance if they need more examples/a different way of explaining the same topic. Also, great for revision.

Beluga Maths

I really, really like this app. It's engaging, simple to work through and allows users to work at their own pace from the really basic topics to much harder topics. This is being updated constantly when new topics are loaded onto the app. You are required to set up an account (free), but then this tracks your progress as you attempt the different topics and quizzes for each. You can have multiple users set up on one device/app. You get star ratings for each topic you work through, and the tutorials on how to enter your answers are really simple and easy to follow. The different ways in which you give your answers keeps you interested and the fact you can do as little or as much as you like at a time is great for revision purposes. This app would suit KS2-KS4 students and I wish my students each had a device to access this app to work on independently once a week/fortnight and obviously for study at home in their own time!

Learning Tools (annoyingly I can't find the link to this one, sorry)

A great app with loads of AfL type resources students could show you/respond to questioning with. Includes traffic lights, RAG, ABCD, a whiteboard, True/False, a thermometer, smiley faces and even a stopwatch so they can time themselves!

  • Apps I will get/love that I don't currently have...
Comic Life

It allows you to create your own comics!! What more could you want!?

Explain Everything

I've heard so many good things about this app and all that it can do. You can create your own videos that you can share and upload direct to YouTube, embed on blogs etc. Having not explored the app fully yet I'll leave it at that.


Well, there's all the apps that I've, so far, found and have used. I've probably only scratched the surface in terms of what is out there and what can be used to improve teaching and learning. The one thing I can say is that even with the 'small' selection of apps above I'm going to thoroughly enjoy using them in one way or another with my students this year, where appropriate, to improve my teaching and their learning.

I'm all ears if anyone has any other recommendations of apps I should look into. I am very much working on the basis of I am a teacher with an iPad and my students do not have mobile devices to use (many of them do, but we're not at a stage where we're considering students bringing these in and using them on a daily basis, they're barely allowed to have their phones out at present)!

Tweet me @mrprcollins or comment below!

Summer #blogsync - My Life in Books

#blogsync is back this Summer inspired by Tom Sherrington's (@headguruteacher) blog post. I felt that I could add a little to the topic and so here is my life in books (so far)...

(click here for all of the excellent posts in this months #blogsync)

My 1st ever book was probably one that many people started off with - 'Letterland'! I can remember having this book at home and reading it to my younger brother and sister. The characters were what made the book and I'm still amazed at how many of them I can remember, still, just shy off my 30th birthday. Here's a little challenge for you...how many of the 26 alliterative characters can you name?

I'll give you the 1st three...

Annie Apple
Bouncy Ben
Clever Cat

...and my personal favourite, as he represented my first initial, Peter Puppy!

Sadly, after this there was a massive lull in me reading books. At a young age (all the way up to studying for my English GCSEs) I just wasn't into reading. I didn't read much at all, I was never really encouraged to read and (to my knowledge) not many of my friends read either. I'm almost jealous now, when considering how much I know my sister read when she was younger and the amount of books she had on her bedroom shelves. The only real books I had/read as a boy were the Panini football sticker books and the odd 'Match' or 'Shoot' magazine from my dad's newsagents.

Something started to change when I was studying for my English GCSEs. As to the reasons behind this? I can only think of two...

1) My English teacher - Mrs Green
2) the fact we had to study a novel as part of the GCSE course

Coupled with an inspirational teacher, who led me to enjoy English above most other subjects at secondary school (yes, even above Mathematics), and the fact we had to read a book in order to succeed in our GCSEs I, for the first time since 'Letterland' enjoyed reading again. Now, I bet you're all wondering what book I was told to read? 'The Lord of the Rings'? 'To Kill a Mockingbird'? 'Of Mice and Men'? I'm afraid not. I did, however, read 'Of Mice and Men' a couple of years ago when working as a Cover Supervisor as so many of the students were reading it in their English lessons and I felt I should know about it so I could actually be of some help when covering their English lessons! I liked it, enjoyed it and weirdly could only picture Lenny's character as Michael Clarke Duncan's 'John Coffey' from 'The Green Mile' (I've never seen the film version of 'Of Mice and Men').

So, what book did I read for my GCSEs? Susan Hill's 'I'm the King of the Castle'.

I absolutely love/d this book. I loved it when I was reading it for my GCSEs and love it now having re-read it a couple of years ago. Strangely, on seeing my English teacher a few years after I left Secondary School - in Tescos where I worked as a student at University, she couldn't quite understand why I liked it so much and came to the conclusion that, she supposed, I didn't have to read and teach it year in, year out!

The themes in the book obviously connected with me in someway back then? I was engaged by the 4 main characters - Kingshaw, Hooper, Mrs Kingshaw and Mr Hooper. I loathed Mrs Kingshaw, felt Mr Hooper was pathetic, felt sorry for Kingshaw and just wanted Hooper to get what was coming to him. The childhood bullying explored in the book, the weak parenting, sense of horror and the vivid scenery portrayed all made it enjoyable to read and kept me wanting to read more and more of the book.

I remember having different coloured paperclips inserted into the tops of key pages in the books all linked to different themes that we could have been asked about in the book. I had annotations all over my copy and researched lots of reviews/opinions etc on the book in order to prepare for my GCSE. I don't know how successful I'd be these days now you're not allowed to take an annotated copy of the book into the exams?

This book will always be the first that truly got me into reading. However, I still from that point on, up until starting my teacher training didn't read for 'pleasure'. I read as a necessity - for College and for University. I didn't buy books unless I needed them to pass my relevant courses.

The next real set of books I had to purchase were for my Degree in Psychology and Education Studies. I bought a fair few of the recommended books for my course and read each one, referencing them where appropriate and needed in essays I was asked to write. Here's a few of the books I read...

I found these books interesting to read and they essential helped supplement the course material I was given/taught (I did my degree through ICS, at home, around working 9-5 office jobs).

Towards the end of my degree, and up to starting my teacher training, I did dabble in reading for 'pleasure'. Again, this came out of intrigue more than a desire to get something to read. A colleague of mine, back when I worked one of the office jobs, on my 1st day being shown round the offices, explained the recent re-naming of their meeting rooms. One such room was named 'The Da Vinci Room'. Now, being naive and (still quite young compared to the rest of the workforce) I just thought this was because of the artist and didn't know anything about Dan Brown's book. So, perhaps with a need to 'fit in' to my new place of work, I bought Dan Brown's 'The Da Vinci Code'.

I really enjoyed the book; the puzzles, the links to pieces of art I had heard of and maybe just because I was, for the first time, reading something that I didn't really need to read. Having read 'The Da Vinci Code' I then sought out the rest of Dan Brown's books and read 'Angels and Demons' (my favourite one - loved the ambigrams etc [didn't enjoy the film as much]), 'Digital Fortress' and 'Deception Point'. I'm yet to read the more recent books, 'Inferno' and 'The Lost Symbol', although I do own both.

Here they are. 'Digital Fortress' is with my step mum - she's read Da Vinci, Angels & Demons, Inferno and The Lost Symbol, but hadn't read the other two.

Starting my teaching career is what really started me reading for 'pleasure', rather than having to or feeling I should. I worked as a Cover Supervisor for two years while I finished my degree and applied to get on my GTP. Throughout this time I wanted knowledge! I wanted to read everything and anything I could to give me as many ideas, thoughts, strategies, puzzles, theories etc that I could. I wanted to be prepared for teaching and I wanted to know how to do it and ultimately what would make me an outstanding teacher.

As such, for my birthdays, Christmases and just when I really wanted one, I requested all sorts of books all aimed at trying to make me as good a teacher as I could be. I set up an Amazon wish list and constantly updated this for my close relatives to kindly choose from for me. This has been ongoing all the way through my teacher training and up to the present day. Our bookcase at home is full of books I have bought, read and have helped me become the teacher I am today. I've even been lucky enough to have endorsed 2 of these books and have recently been sent initial drafts of books that publishing companies are keen for me to read and review. Never, as a teenager, would I have thought I'd be doing this!

Here's my current shelf (some books are missing as they've been lent to colleagues or Hannah's reading them and god knows where they've found themselves)...

I've read all of these books or (in the case of 1 or 2) dip into them when needing inspiration.

From a Mathematics point of view, Mike Ollerton's 'Getting the Buggers to Add up' and (new) '100 ideas for Outstanding Mathematics Lessons' [Out August 28th] are the two that have taught me the most and have given me some fantastic ideas to use in class. The 'Getting the Buggers to Add Up' book is one that was lent to me by one of my current colleagues when I was working as a Cover Supervisor and helped a lot in setting me up for my teacher training. The 100 Ideas book is one I have read very recently and read previously when the original edition was out. I was thrilled to have been asked to read and review the latest version and found it as brilliant as the original edition, but with new ideas and additional information on how to implement the ideas in class and possible extensions to the ideas it has got even better.

The other book I was asked to read and review was when I was doing my GTP. Having read her previous book 'How to be An Amazing Teacher', Caroline Bentley-Davies asked me to write a short paragraph for her 'Outstanding Lessons' Pocketbook. It was something, when on my GTP, I was surprised at being asked to do, but Caroline thought it'd be good to get a new teacher's perspective on her book and I found so many ideas in that book that helped me improve as a trainee and eventually get my 'outstanding' judgement for my GTP year. I will be investing in her 'How to be An Amazing Middle Leader' when the time comes to get a bit of inspiration/advice when furthering my career.

Of the other books on the shelf, Jim Smith's 'Lazy Teacher' book was one I bought on the back of receiving an INSET session at my school from him. The session was fantastic and his book complemented his approach. Paul Ginnis''The Teacher's Toolkit' is one that a colleague has on her desk and on observing one of her lessons for the 1st time as a Cover Supervisor asked her about the book, that I happened to see on her desk, and subsequently purchase it due to the wonderful things she had to say about it and the few pages she showed me from it. More recently @teachertoolkit's '100 Ideas for Outstanding Lessons' has (to name one way) helped me engage my students in more purposeful and engaging homework tasks through his #takeawayhomework idea. See my blog posts here and here about this.

All the other books on that shelf have helped me in one way or another throughout my teaching career to date and I am thankful to all of the authors for their work.

The final few books I would like to mention are those that I have on a shelf in my classroom. The reason they are there is that I hope my students are as inspired by them as I have been. They are there for my students to see and read as they please. Some of my tutees have read parts of them, during 'World Book Day' I read parts of them to each class and drew students' attention toward them. They are...

 In additon to this and Ian Stewart's other book below, check out his '17 equations that Changed the World'

This was the one I choose to read on this year's 'World Book Day'. I even had a sign on my door that said 'Mr Collins is currently reading...'Alex's Adventures in Numberland', which we were encouraged to do by our school's library staff.

I never thought that I would become such an avid reader. I now find myself looking for the next book that can help me or interest me in some way or another; the next book that can help me improve my practice. I now look forward to new books being released. Moreover, I want to write a book of my own. I want to pen a book that will help others, like my trainee self that benefited so much from the works of others, I want to be able to inspire the next set of trainee teachers and experienced teachers alike. I've even thought about writing my own children's books aimed at introducing them to Mathematics at a young age. These, of course, are all hopes and dreams for now, but someday in the future - perhaps when I have a bit more experience, I'd love to have my name on the front cover of a book, rather than on the back!

I hope you've found this blog post interesting. Please check out the other #blogsync entries for this month as each person's experience of reading is different and the collection of books that have inspired them along the way unique.

Please feel free to comment below, or tweet me @mrprcollins. Oh, and good luck getting all 26 'Letterland' characters - no 'Googling' allowed!

#poundlandpedagogy - ready for the new school year

If you're anything like me, a lot of the Summer holidays are spent seeking out bargains for the new school year. Whenever I'm out and about I can't help but think of what I might need in my classroom next year, or how something could be used. This week has been one of those weeks. We went to Ikea and I really had to stop myself buying items that, although they might look good, wouldn't have much 'educational value'. But, today, I found myself in the local 'Poundland' and 'Wilkinsons' purchasing a few items that I had been inspired to get/found a purposeful use for next year.

In the true spirit of #poundlandpedagogy, here are my bargain buys and how I intend to use them this coming school year...
(check out the hashtag above for other fantastic ideas that other teachers have) [thanks to @WallaceIsabella for creating this phenomenon]

I've been looking for something like this since the back end of last year when I was doing my numeracy puzzle(s) of the week with my tutor group - check out my recent numeracy across the curriculum post here. I was getting fed up of having to find spare bits of scrap paper for them to work on during tutor time and, without the budget to get them their own exercise book, was looking for some small notepads that they could use instead.

I found these note books (a pack of 8 for £1) from 'Poundland' and they are pretty much what I was thinking of. I bought 4 packs of these so each one of my tutor group has their own note pad to use throughout the year.

These will come in handy for weekly discussions, numeracy puzzles, literacy tasks etc etc. I will keep them in our room so that 1) the kids don't lose them 2) I can look at what they've done and 3) I can easily hand them out on a daily basis when needed.

Here's what the note pads look like out of the packets. There are 50 pages per note pad, which should be more than enough. Plus, if I need to kill any time during tutor time in the 1st week back I'll be sorted - personalise your note pad!

The only foreseeable problem...fighting over what colour each person gets!

The next idea I got whilst visiting my fiance's school/classroom yesterday and helping her set up her displays etc (yep, I had nothing better to do).
On a separate note, I'd be interested to know how many teachers are able to go into school (if they want to) over the Summer holidays? My school is closed throughout the whole of August (except results day) and so I'm not able to go in even if I wanted to. Whereas my fiance's school is open throughout the holidays between 9am-3pm. Let me know via Twitter (@mrprcollins) or by commenting below.
When helping set up her classroom I noticed she had a load of bulldog clips on nails that were hammered into the wall. I asked what she used them for and she said that was where students kept their 'works in progress'. Being a DT teacher she often has students that are partway through a project and to keep all their work in one place they clip them onto the bulldog clips and were kept there until next lesson. I believe she used this process with a single class (maybe her GCSE class)? What I liked about this is that all her other classes, and classes of other teachers using her room, would see the work on display and the development of it over time.
I've decided to magpie this idea and tweak it for my #takeawayhomework display. To read more about the takeaway homework I use with my classes click here and here. What I intend to do is, on my display board that I've set aside for the takeaway homework I will put up some of the bulldog clips, with some 'backing paper' ready to hold in place examples of fantastic homework that I receive/have received so far. So I got some bulldog clips and backing paper from 'Poundland' today...

Here's her 'work in progress' display with the bulldog clips and backing paper ready for her students' work...
...my recent purchases from 'Poundland'. I will pin up about 5/6 pieces of homework and then complete the display with my takeaway homework menu and some other examples that can't be clipped up - things like the foldables, tweets, trump cards etc.

Next, an actual purchase from Ikea - my new organiser/whiteboard and some added whiteboard pens from 'Poundland'. The one thing I did buy from Ikea (only £2.25) was a noticeboard that doubles as both a whiteboard and a pin board. The whiteboard section is, conveniently, split into 7 sections (I'm assuming 1 for each day of the week). Now this, for me, is ideal as I have 6 Mathematics classes next year and my tutor group. So for each section I intend on writing up important information for each class on a regular basis. I used to do this using the magicwhiteboard A4 sheets that I stuck up on my windows, but I didn't update them as much as I could have. The whiteboard will be hung up somewhere visible to students and myself and I will aim to put the following under each class' section: homework details/deadlines, important dates (assessments etc) and pupil(s) of the week. Here's the board...

In addition to the board I stocked up on some whiteboard pens from 'Poundland'. They seem to work fine and you get 5 for £1, all different colours too. I'm forever running out of these and our departmental supplies constantly run low. So, in an attempt to avoid constantly bothering our faculty assistant for whiteboard pens, I figured I'd get some spares to keep my students going for a while!

Finally, another great find today came from 'Wilkinsons' in the form of index cards or cue cards (whatever you refer to them as). I got some of these last year to use as a starter/plenary task - 'my favourite no'. Check out this link/video for a full explanation on the task (it's well worth it). This was an idea I found on the web last Summer and the task works fantastically well! The only drawback was that wherever I had looked in the past for index cards they seemed to be £4/£5 a pack, which was far too much!

These index cards (50) from Wilkinsons cost just 75p each and so I got a few packs of these to use with the 'my favourite no' task. I'll get students to do use both sides of the cards and might even cut them in half so I get as much use out of them as I can.

There we have it, my recent haul of stationary to prepare for the new school year. Be sure to tweet your #poundlandpedagogy finds and uses and tweet me @mrprcollins, or comment below, if you think of other productive ways I could use the items I bought today.

Having just linked the hashtag above I've already found another teacher @TheMathsMagpie who has used sponges bought from 'B&Q' to create whiteboard rubbers for her mini whiteboards...

Great idea...one for my next trip to the shops!

Comic Life

Earlier this month I blogged about the iPad apps I was intending to use in the new school year. One of those apps that I was yet to download was 'Comic Life' - an app that allows you to create your own comics!

Having seen a few people on Twitter tweeting links to their recently produced resources I was reminded that I should really look into getting the app. Check out the official Comic Life Twitter account (@comiclife) for loads of retweets from other teachers using the app. In particular I was inspired by @CreativeNorton and @CreativePhysEd.

Before I downloaded (and bought) the app [currently £2.99], I checked out a few videos on YouTube as to what could be done and just to get a feel of how easy it was to create the comics. These were really useful and confirmed that I needed to get the app!

I also already had a reason to get the app - I wanted to create a poster for my classroom to go on my tutor noticeboard to remind my tutor group of the basic expectations in regards to their uniform, equipment and use of the school's planner.

Once the app had downloaded I read the 'getting started' guide, which was brief and simple enough; it confirmed what I had seen on the YouTube videos. I tried, in this 'comic', to export it to see how I could then use the comics once created. I was extremely pleased at the ease of opening the comic in pretty much any of the other apps I already had downloaded. It opened in Dropbox as a pdf, which was exactly the thing I was hoping it would do, but didn't have this confirmed in the app description on iTunes. It opened in Adobe Reader (obviously, as it's saved as a pdf file). It also opens in 'Skitch' which then allowed me to add the effects in my 1st comic (see below).
There are plenty of other things you can do with the comics too, but for what I intend to use it for, the above is good enough for me.

Being a bit of Marvel/DC comic geek I opted for the 'Retro' template, of which there are about 10 to choose from. I changed the 'template' texts and re-sized/positioned them as I wanted. Adding photos from my photo library was so easy it meant I was able to spend more time getting the layout to look exactly as I wanted. The thing that impressed me most was that the photos, when inserted, fit to the bordered boxes. By this, I mean that if you have part of your photo overlapping the bordered boxes, after having resized your photo accordingly, the app automatically 'trims' the photo so all you see is the part of the photo inside the bordered boxes.
The speech bubbles are great too and there's a wide variety of bubbles to choose from. I, by chance, came across the ability to add an extra 'tail' to the speech bubbles, meaning that more than 1 person could say/think things - I used this in my 1st comic (see below).
It's really easy to change the fonts of texts and there's plenty of comic type fonts and designs to play around with - great for the comic geek within.

There's loads of features within the app that I am yet to use/explore such as the shapes, different layouts and templates you can use etc.

Here's my 1st comic (poster) that I created to put on my tutor noticeboard...

I used my 'Skitch' app to blur out our Head Boy and Head Girl and like the fact that I can open the comic in this app to tweak things where needed.

Yes, that is my gormless face in the bottom-right corner.

The main messages I wanted to get over to the students were to:
1) have their planner on their desk during tutor time (and in their lessons)
2) ensure they're uniform is top notch (as modelled by our HB and HG)
3) ensure they have the correct equipment - prices from our school shop included here for their reference

I'm really pleased with how good the comic (poster) has turned out and am sure this will look great on our noticeboard. It's bound to draw students' attention toward it and therefore they'll actually read it!

I'm now thinking of other things I can use the app for...

I want to create some comics/posters for topics like constructions. I would create step-by-step instructions to performing each different type of construction - perpendicular bisector, perpendicular to a point on a line, perpendicular from a point to a line, angle bisector, constructing SAS, SSS and ASA triangles etc. I think these would work great in the style above as students can read the instructions/follow the images to help them.
This may also work well with the transformations - enlargements, translations, reflections and rotations and transformations of functions for the higher ability students - y = af(x), y = f(ax), y = f(x) + a and y = f(x + a).

It could work for any topic really, but especially with those that lend themselves to being a bit more instructional and having to 'show'/'model' to students how to do/perform them.

I'm really impressed with the app and how straight forward it is to use. I look forward to creating more comics and will, of course, share them in due course...watch this space!

Comment below or tweet me @mrprcollins if you're a teacher who is using Comic Life.

Constructions resources using 'Comic Life'

If you've read my previous blog post on 'Comic Life' you will have seen my 1st attempt at creating a 'comic' using the app. I mentioned in that post that I intended to create some constructions resources using the app and here they are!

It took a while for me to do all the constructions, taking photos at each 'step' in the process. I then used these photos to create the 'comics'. I initially did the perpendicular/angle type constructions and then later created the triangle constructions. Here's what I've created...

Front cover
 Perpendicular Bisector
 Angle Bisector
 Perpendicular through a point on a line
 Perpendicular from a point to a line
 Constructing a 60 degree angle
 Constructing a 45 degree angle
 Triangle Constructions Front Cover
 SSS triangle
 SAS triangle
ASA triangle
So, there they all are. I love them! I tried to make them all similar in their design and layout and just changed the number of photos depending on the number of 'steps' I photographed when completing them. The more I've used the 'Comic Life' app the more I love it too. I'm now adding lots more elements to the comics as I create them and are using a lot more of the features in the app. It's so easy to copy objects from one comic to another and this sped up my creation of the comics.

Now, this is all good and well, but how do I intend to use them I hear you say? Well, here's some ideas I've had so far.

1) As they look so great I thought about printing them out and laminating them to go up on display in my room - students can then look at and read through them, be inspired by them etc.

2) Print and laminate them to be used as a group activity when the topic comes up in the SoW. Each small group could be given one of the constructions/comics and work through them to create their own version of each construction, then rotate round to the next construction/comic.

3) They could be used as extension activities for students that finish topics such as basic angle work, congruence/similarity etc.

4) They could be made into small booklets (comics) for Y11 students to use for their revision - I often find that the constructions are easily forgotten by students.

There are bound to be other ways in which I can use them. They can, of course, just be used as a series of instructions for individual students to reproduce, or to give to those students that need further support after I have taught the class how to do them as a whole group. If anyone has any other ideas let me know via Twitter @mrprcollins or by commenting below.

I plan on creating more of these so watch this space for updates...

A Frenzy of Marking: 'Progress Over Time'

The first half term of the school year has seen us embark on a newer emphasis on 'progress over time' and a need for students' exercise books to be glistening with not only marked work, but 'learning dialogues/conversations' including students' responses to our WWW/EBI comments. This, is also (as I found out in an observation the last week of the half term), coupled with students needing to show knowledge of their previous learning when quizzed during the lesson observation by my observers: if they can't answer their on-the-spot questions on what they've previously covered, learning mustn't have been consolidated!

Over the past week I have read many different thoughts on the latest frenzy and none more so than @TeacherToolkit's fantastic 'The Marking Frenzy' post here. Ross' post sums up what I have experienced so I will not repeat it here.

In addition to Ross' post, I also came across @adil_3's post on his marking stickers, see his post here. I am a big fan of stickers and stampers to help my marking and found these a fantastic addition to my marking arsenal. The pre-designed stickers on Adil's blog are great and I plan on using most of them when marking students' books after half-term. I will, like Adil plans to do, make a note of any impact they have, both in terms of speeding up my marking and the students' understanding of them and acting upon them. I have since bought some blank 25mm template stickers from the link on Adil's page and have started to create some more of my own to use as EBI statements when marking students' books. The idea being that these stickers would save me writing the same statements over and over again in students' books. Statements like...

'remember to round your answers to the stated degree of accuracy'
'don't forget the order of operations (BIDMAS)'
'check your workings'
'estimate your answer first to check if your final answer is sensible or not'
'read the question!'
'give your answers in terms of Pi'
'write down all of your workings'
'see me to explain this further'

So, rather than writing these each time, I will replace them with the relevant sticker under the EBI part of my stamper and then refer students to a poster I will make with all possible stickers and their meanings - students can then write the comments in themselves or use the meanings to write their INT ('I Need To') statements, which are the holy grail at present!

Here are some of the stickers I have created...

 This page includes:

Round your answers
Give your answers in terms of Pi (for my higher set Y11 class)
Is your answer sensible - estimate first

 This page includes:

Remember the order of operations (BIDMAS) - thanks to @MrReddyMaths for this image!
Read the question
Show all your workings
This page includes the 'see me' sticker for more help - for those students who seem to have completely misunderstood in class or have done very little work
 This page includes all the stickers I first tried out the template with (including)...

check your times tables
show your workings
show/check the units of your answers
check your angles/angle facts
use a pair of compasses/construct accurately
use my YouTube Channel (mrcollinsmaths)
Come to Maths Club

The template I used to create all of the above (and so that they print *nearly* perfectly onto the sticker sheets) was tweeted out by @LoundDarren and can be found here.

I'm looking forward to seeing how these stickers will work with my students and will hope it compliments the ways I am already trying to improve the feedback I give my students in their exercise books. We have a whole school literacy marking policy and so I'll continue to underline misspelled words and write 'sp' in the margins etc. We also have presentation guidelines we've had to drum into students heads too and so the stickers Adil has created in his post above will help reinforce the title, date, margins, pencils for diagrams etc expectations too.

If anybody thinks of any other common mistakes and comments Mathematics teachers end up writing in books - let me know...

@mrprcollins or comment below! :)

A Very Mathsy Xmas

Well the countdown to Christmas is here and that calls for a few Christmaths activities in the last few weeks of the term...

The first of these is my 'A Very Mathsy Xmas' display, which is basically a Mathematical advent calendar of the wonderful puzzles (posters) from the nrich website. A link to all these puzzles is below:


I selected a few of these puzzles that were suitable for all of my classes, or were one of these 'low access high challenge' tasks! I printed them out and then got some coloured card to put over the top to hide them before each day is revealed. I plan to catch up on the weekend days on the Monday of each week, and we may do the days we'll miss (20-24) in the last week of term too. I saved the puzzles I chose in a folder so when each day is revealed I can get the puzzle up on the board to discuss as a class.
Each day I choose a student from my 1st class to open the 'window' on the calendar for that day and then my other classes see the puzzle when they come in.
I've been really pleased with the reaction to the calendar and the puzzles, there's been a student each day so far that's asked to open that day's 'window' (some of them have seen it as a privilege to open a day as there's so few of them [compared to the number of students I have]) and the discussions we've had as a class in terms of how to approach each question, and then the solutions, have been really encouraging too.

Here's the display...

I used a nice 'snowy' font I found on the web a while back to do the title for the display.
Here's how it looks from the front of my classroom

In addition to the 'A Very Mathsy Xmas' display I have also, today, sent round this month's numeracy puzzle(s) of the week to all our tutor groups.

If you've read my previous posts on numeracy you'll know I'm a big fan of, and use, Emily Hughes @ilovemathsgames's blog and numeracy puzzles that I send round to our tutor groups. So, using the same format that I use for these, I sent round this month's set. I decided to make a bit more of a competition out of the puzzles this month, being it the run in to xmas. So, I found on Don Steward's amazing 'Median' blog the following puzzles...


I have given our tutor groups the challenge of seeing how many of the 24 puzzles they can answer correctly by the last Weds of term. I like the link to the advent calendar here! The tutor group with the most correct answers will receive a chocolaty Christmaths prize on the last day of term. If there's a tie, I'll be sending a 'tiebreaker' question to the involved tutor groups.

Here's the ppt I've sent round...

Title slide with our Numeracy Across the Curriculum Logo on it and details of the competition.

Don Steward's puzzles (see link above)

No doubt 'The Pirate Game' will also make an appearance at some point in the last week of term and in other news...I'm currently organising a Dodgeball tournament for our Year 10s (I'm a Year 10 tutor) on the last day of term!
I hope everyone who's reading this has a fantastic last few weeks of term...and an even better xmas holiday period! See you in the new year (if not before).

New Year...New Displays

Happy New Year everyone! I know, I know...I'm a little late. I keep meaning to blog far more than I find the time for these days, but I will endeavour to increase the amount of posts this year, compared to last. I have a lot of exciting 'mathsy' things coming up this year and so I should have lots to share with everyone. Watch this space (please).

So, it's a new year, which means a new term and along with it...time to change my displays. Now, a favourite display of mine is, of course, the 'Year Problem'. I have used the same resources I used last year (uploaded to the TES by @c0mplexnumber --> https://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/Yearly-Maths-BIDMAS-Challenge-interactive-display-6323177/. Check out her display here (it's way far better than mine)! However, last year I put the display up in the corridor outside my classroom, hoping it'd attract attention from other classes and more students would join in the problem. As much as lots of people (including our Head) commented on it, most of the work was done by my classes. Plus, everytime one of my students got an answer I had to pop my head round the corner to right it on the display. This also meant my classes couldn't see (without going outside the classroom), which numbers had already been completed and which they cold still try and get. Given all the above, I decided to put the display in my classroom this year, and sent the ppt in Clarissa's resources round to all our tutor groups to attempt the puzzle in tutor time, sending solutions to me via their form tutors.
The puzzle has worked far better this year as it's in my classroom. My Y11 set 1 students have particularly been enthused by it, especially when we were working through trig graphs and they could use the inverse trig functions to get sin^-1(1) = 90 and tan^-1 (1) = 45 to get other numbers they had previously not found. Here was the display prior to it being introduced to my classes...

Here it is now (almost complete!)...

We only have the numbers 67 and 68 left to find...maybe they can't be done...?

All of the students that have put forward a solution will be getting reward points (1 for each correct solution).

The other display I put up this term (replacing my 'A Very Mathsy Xmas'display) was one I was inspired by on Twitter. I saw the following tweet over the xmas holidays. How I didn't see it beforehand I don't know! I went on over to Kerry Tait @misstait_85's blog to get more info as to what she put on her display and downloaded lots of the templates she put up on there too. Check it out here.

Here's my 'Finished?' display...

There are 7 tasks my students can choose from:

1) Multiplication - basic multiplication grids to practice their basic times tables
2) 5-a-day - a selection of www.corbettmaths.com's 5-a-day resources
3) Tweet Me - tweet templates from Kerry's blog. These have been very useful for my 'takeaway homeworks' too as kids can just get a quick template to use for their homework.
4) Plenary Sticks - one of my new resources, coming to the TES soon! More on this later.
5) Challenges - I took the nrich puzzles from my 'A Very Mathsy Xmas' display and put these in this folder
6) Learning Triangles - from Kerry's blog
7) Gimme 5 - from Kerry's blog

I think the display looks pretty cool, The advantage of it being on the room divider is that I can move it around the room too if needed to put it in more prominent spaces, or into my 'room in the side of my room, room' for students who have finished to have a bit of space to work in away from other students still working.

Finally, I've been shopping on one of my favourite websites again...


I've got myself some new A4 sized blackboards and chalkboard pens. I've started putting up revision posters for my Y11s (set 1 and set 4). Here's one I put together on expressing one number as a percentage of another...

The pens work on the windows too...they can be revising maths whilst in the playground (I'm getting pretty good at writing backwards)!

Takeaway Homework 2015

If you are unfamiliar with my 'takeaway homework' (twenty seven) then please read these (http://goo.gl/s6YAln) & (http://goo.gl/eAFUie) posts before reading on. Thanks :)

Last term I decided to leave doing 'takeaway homeworks' with my classes for a few reasons...

My Y11s need to do more exam practice and revision of those topics they've not covered for a while and need refreshing. As for my other classes, well they're all new to me so I felt I needed to get my processes and expectations in place first before setting them off on the takeaway homeworks. A simple worksheet or mymaths task is far easier to explain and to collect in/track etc.

So, now we're in term 2 and all my classes are settled, I have introduced my 'twenty seven' menu to my Year 9s. I'm still keeping my Y11s focused on revision, and my other classes are being taken by the ITTs I'm mentoring!

As I'm using my iPad ('iDoceo' app) to track/plan everything this year it has been even easier for me to take in their homeworks and keep track of the amount of chillies each student is earning. I have a separate sheet for tracking chillies and I can quickly take photos of students' homeworks which then store on my iPad for my future use (especially those that I can't collect in as they're a 'work in progress', or if they're written in their books and I'm not taking in their books that week).

I've had some great pieces of work in this week (first hand in). I said to both my Y9 classes that I will be putting my 'top 5' (at least) on my takeaway homework display (see below) and I will aim to update this each week. Also, each student who gets their work on display will receive reward points and a postcard home (we do these each fortnight in our department).

Here's my takeaway homework display, with examples from last year...

You can see I've left plenty of space to add new pieces of work.

Here are my 'top 5' for this week...

 Here's a set of Top Trump cards, with lots of fractions -> decimal conversions on them. Not only did this student create their own cards, but they also included a set of instructions as to how to play the game and some 'points cards' to give out whilst playing the game for the winner of each round...nice!
This student created a quick 10 questions (all basic numeracy) and included the answers in the folded sheet of paper attached to the question sheet. I like this as it could be given to any other member of their class to do and they could check their answers after completing the questions.
 This student created this 'Year 9 Maths Exam'. They included 10 questions (all based on what we had been doing in class the previous few weeks before the xmas holidays [this is what impressed me most]) and even took the time to bind the paper with some colourful post-it type notes.
 The amount of effort shown here blew me away. This student created over 30 cue cards of key words that they had covered in their mathematics lessons both past and present. Each card had been made by sticking two bits of paper back to back. The key word on one side, its' definition on the other. Brilliant!
This student also exceeded my expectations by producing 2 pieces of homework in the first week. Both pieces were good enough to make my 'top 5' in their own right. The first is an excellent '2 truths and a lie' on probability tree diagrams that we have been covering, all worked out correctly, answer on the back too. The 2nd piece was a lovely '4 pics 1 word', with added 'flaps' to reveal letters to help people guess the word or take letters away from those given to narrow the choice of what letters could be in the word and also, colourful pictures (not just some copied off the Internet from existing words from the app).

In addition to the above, excellent pieces of work, I have some tweets that i will be putting up on my twitter display and a 'hexaflexagon' to add to the others on the display to show other students what they are (I always get asked what that one is). I've again been pleased with the reaction from my students to the concept of the takeaway homeworks and some students have already pre-planned what tasks they are going to do over this half term to ensure they've handed in at least 12 chillies by Feb half-term and at least 1 chilli handed in each week (these are my expectations).

I am doing a training session to staff later this half term on the takeaway homework concept and will be using these examples to show them what great work students can produce when given the option.

I do, though, still feel that I would balance the time when my students get the takeaway homeworks and when they get 'normal' homework tasks. This is because 1) I don't want the takeaway homeworks to lose their impact (students enjoy doing them currently) and 2) there is still a need for students to do the simple worksheets of practice questions and mymaths tasks. A happy balance of the two is needed. So, after half term, we may go back to 'normal' homeworks and then reintroduce the takeaway homeworks in term 3?!

If anyone has any other suggestions/comments on takeaway homeworks then please comment below, or contact me on twitter. I'll take all into consideration when planning my training session.

Thanks once again to @TeacherToolkitfor the idea and hisbook.

Valentine's Day Mathematics Activities

Yesterday, on the eve of Valentine's Day, I used one of my recently created resources with a few of my classes to celebrate Valentine's Day. Any excuse to run a themed lesson and I'm happy! With my Y7, Y9s and Y11 class I used a number of Mathematical activities as outlined below...

Firstly, I set the tone to the lesson by having some love songs playing in the background as they entered - I chose The Pointer Sisters -Jump (For My Love) and then Michael Jackson's 'The Way You Make Me Feel'. Other love songs are available! :)
I also had my PowerPoint on the board to create some discussion as to what they had to do for the first task...to find their 'true love'.

Here's a link to my newly created resource on the TES: http://goo.gl/ftiwjq

(save it for after half-term or next year, perhaps?)

The first task involved them finding their 'love percentage' by finding the number of vowels in their name (first name and surname) as a percentage of the total number of letters in their name. Then, by going round the class and comparing each others' love percentages we found some 'true love' matches! (If the percentages matched it was clearly meant to be)!

N.B. I did just clarify to my classes that this was just meant to be a bit of fun and that no actual relationships should be based on the task!

Next, after they had found a love match, they had a task where they looked at a Valentine's Day Menu for my fictional restaurant 'Cupid's Arrow'. They had to work out how many possible combinations of meals they could choose from the menu if they picked 1 starter, 1 main and 1 dessert (there were 3 of each to choose from). We discussed how to best record the information and other questions were asked throughout the task such as what would happen if there were 4 of each meal to choose from, etc.

When the answer of 27 different possible combinations was revealed I then gave the classes a short task of, for the number they love, writing down as many possible questions to which it was the answer. I obviously did the number 27 to provide some examples. What I found with this task is that the different ability classes were able to apply different aspects of what we had been learning to the task. My Y11 set 1s were using laws of indices, equations, surds etc, whereas my lower Y9 class were just using the basic four operations.

Then, with some classes where we had more time, I allowed them a choice of tasks to look into to develop the menu problem further. For other classes I gave them an alternative way of finding their 'true love' by getting them to find values for their names based on the position of the letters in the alphabet. i.e. a=1, b=2, ..., z=26 etc.

The lessons went really well, I had love songs playing in the background throughout the lessons, which went down really well with the kids. The students loved finding their love percentages and values for their names to find their love matches and there was a lot of Ooooooos and Aaaaahhhhhs when certain students were matched up! All done in the spirit of V Day!

A great way to end the half term (even when suffering from man flu)! :)

The Never Ending Notebook

Earlier this school year the magicwhiteboard.co.uk brought out their new A5 and A4 'Magic Notebook'. I've been using mine since then and they're brilliant!

Basically, they are 40/60 page reusable notebooks, each page made out of whiteboard material meaning you can write on and wipe off whatever you like, over and over again. Even better is that the books come with a correctable whiteboard pen. This means that after writing and leaving the ink to dry for a few seconds that the ink can't be wiped off unless using the rubber on the end of the pen, or a whiteboard wipe. This means that you can keep notes for as long as you are like until you are ready to get rid of them!

Here's some of my notes/workings...

Each page in the book(s) is perforated so can be ripped out and can even be printed on in a printer. This is perfect if wanting to print graphs/grids on the reverse of one page. They can then be used as mini whiteboards. If you don't have the correctable pens, you can use ordinary whiteboard pens as you would with any whiteboard. The writing wont stay on them, like the correctable pens, but if you're using them as mini whiteboards - you won't want it to!

Personally, having the notebook is great as I'm forever writing notes down and then either having to get rid of them or keep them somewhere safe. With the Magic Notebook I can take and keep the notes I want and erase them when I'm done. My Notebook is a constant working document. I erase when I need to, I take more notes as I need them. The notebook is never ending - once you have one, you won't need another.

Since I've had the notebook I have wondered if they would be a viable replacement for student's exercise books...?!


How would you mark all the work in the books if work was erased as it was no longer needed?
What is the actual purpose of an exercise book? Is it just to keep notes, workings etc? Or is it to have a log of students' work to evidence and show progress, tick OFSTED's boxes etc?
Could students have a 'working book' and a separate 'rule book'?
Cost of the correctable whiteboard pens? Students struggle to have a working pen on a daily basis, let alone a correctable whiteboard pen!

These are all questions I'm yet to figure out. Nonetheless they're great to have as your own personal notebook and I've since bought an A4 one to go with the original A5 one I got.

Take a look at them here...

2015...the answers! [Spoiler Alert]

Following my previous post this year on my new displays (see here), my students have now finished the 2 0 1 5 challenge! In fact, they finished it about a month a go - I've only just got round to doing some blogging!

Here's the finished display and how it looks in my classroom...

Each of the solutions has a students' name attached to it (blurred out here for obvious reasons).
They were all rewarded for providing these.

Since the challenge has been completed we have moved the display from my classroom to our Mathematics corridor to show the rest of the students in the school what has been done.

The final 2 solutions (67 and 68) came from one of our top set Y10 students. Their class (taught by one of my colleagues) were given the challenge to do as homework to try and challenge my top set Y11 class, who had done the majority of the solutions to the challenge out of all my classes.
My colleague came and found me one lesson as I was observing our ITT and presented me with their solutions, including the 2 remaining numbers my Y11s hadn't found!

Here's their work...

Congratulations to them for finding the last 2 solutions!

Here's to 2016 and the new, year challenge! :)

Mathematical Plenary Sticks

One of the new resources I have created recently (see them all here) is my 'Mathematical Plenary Sticks'.
The resource is a pdf document with over 100 plenary questions/tasks for Mathematics lessons. Here's the front page of the document...

And here are the sticks once they're cut up, folded and laminated...

 Once laminated, punch a hole through each with a hole punch and then bind them with a keyring chain or treasury tag

 You can see lots of examples of questions here. They're folded over too so there are questions on both sides of each stick
 When gathered together they are neat and can be stored easily
You can print them off as big or as small as you like

I have a set of these on my 'Finished' display board so students can help themselves when finished and choose some questions/tasks to attempt.
Find out more about my 'finished' display board here.

Each page of the pdf comes with the question templates that look like...

Cut around the dotted lines, fold over the bold line inbetween each stick and then either stick them together or laminate them.
There are also some blanks included so you can write your own questions before laminating and binding.

I've used these over the past few years in my lessons. The main reason why I use them is that I tend to forget really good questions/tasks to give my students at the end of lessons. So, I made these sticks and have them on my desk so I can quickly flick through them before or during each lesson. I pick out a few questions that I can pose my class or I give my class a few to choose from - they answer the question they like the most.
Since using them I have come up with other ways they can be used - all of these details can be found in the pdf document...

•Choose 2-3 of these questions/tasks prior to the lesson and put them in your teaching resources for students to answer throughout or at the end of your lesson (take a print screen of the pdf document or put the laminated ‘plenary sticks’ under your visualiser [if you have one] for your class to see)
•Choose particular ‘Plenary Sticks’ to give to certain students throughout the lesson to extend their learning/support them
•Give each student/pair/group a set of these ‘plenary sticks’ at the end of a lesson/series of lessons on a topic and allow them to choose a number of questions/tasks to complete
•Have a set of the ‘Plenary Sticks’ on display in your teaching room for students to go and choose when finished (like on my 'finished' board above)
•Randomly select a question/task from the ‘Plenary Sticks’ (after a brief check it is suitable for your lesson/the topic) and ask this to students at the end of the lesson

All the questions/tasks can be used as starters too and many are transferable to other subjects. Some questions are specific to certain topics, but the majority are general to any Mathematics lesson/topic.

If you like the look of these then here's the link to the resource page on the TES...


Mathematics Assemblies

At the end of the last school year our PSHE coordinator sent an e-mail round to our department asking if any of us would be interested in delivering a Mathematics assembly to all year groups. Having thought about what I could possibly do a Mathematics assembly on I decided to go for it and week beginning 9th March I will be leading an assembly to each of our year groups...all about Mathematics.

Now, I'm thrilled that this week is the week before Pi Day on the 13th March (and the Maths conference run by La Salle Education) and so will be building something in about Pi Day during the assembly.

Having thought about what I want to say in the assembly, I have decided that I will use the chance to speak to every student in our school about their attitudes to their Mathematics and trying to dispel the myths out there about Mathematics and try to move away from the negative perceptions of the subject.

I saw, earlier this evening, this blog post on a similar theme.

I want to voice to our students that it's not ok to say 'i'm rubbish at maths', 'i'm not very good at maths', 'maths is hard' etc, etc. All the things we hear far too often. Indeed, students should be ashamed of saying these things, whereas, currently, they almost say them with pride - as if it's cool to say that they're not very good at it (Mathematics). To put it in context, people are generally ashamed of not being able to read or write and will often say nothing and hide this fact. Then why do we (the general 'we') feel ok to say we're not very good at Mathematics?

I ran a revision session to our Y11 parents last week. The session was aimed at how they can be supporting their child/ren with their Mathematics GCSE revision. After I had covered all of the various ways they can revise for their Mathematics exams and how they should be revising, I mentioned a few other bits of advice. One such piece was to be positive about their Mathematics exam!
Far too often I hear at parents' evenings that parents can't help their child/ren with their Mathematics homework as 'they haven't got a clue', or 'were never very good at Maths at school'. I asked them therefore, whilst understanding that they may not have had a good experience of Mathematics themselves, to be as positive about it as they could. Encourage their child/ren, ask them questions about what they've done, how they've done it, was there anything they could do to check their answer/s, had they looked the question/topic up on the Internet etc, etc. Rather than just going 'oh well, do the best you can'.

I think I want to approach my assemblies with the same sort of tone. Trying to encourage the students to take the 'growth mindset' approach rather than just believing/accepting that they might not be good at Mathematics and therefore giving up altogether.

I also want to highlight good practice from the students themselves. I plan to get some of my students, and other students that my colleagues teach, on board to showcase the good work that is being done. Ideally I'd want them to stand up whilst I talk about the things they've done, or allow me to show their exercise book/work they've produced on the screen - all with an aim of being positive about the Mathematics we are doing at our school, that all it requires is, perhaps, a change in attitude and that they are all capable of doing well with their Mathematics.

I've led a few assemblies this year when standing in for our head of year and so am looking forward to, what I'll now be calling, 'assembly week'. If any Mathematics teachers have given a similar assembly to the students in their schools I'd love to hear what you did/showed etc. Tweet me @mrprcollins or comment below.

Y10 FMSP Maths Feast at the University of Surrey...AKA Maths Trip!!

Earlier this half term I was delighted to take 8 of our Y10 students to the University of Surrey for the FMSP's Year 10 'Maths Feast'; a day of challenging activities for students to complete whilst competing against other schools in the local area.
This was the first 'Maths Trip' that I have had the pleasure to organise and the day was fantastically well received by both my colleague and I and our students.
We chose 4 students from each of our Y10 'top sets' to take part in the day so we had 2 teams entered. They were 2 of 20 teams present on the day. When we arrived our teams were given table numbers to sit around and then the day started. My colleague and I were rotated round to the next table number and supervised these students from another school (this was to ensure there was no biased support given to students). As teachers, we were given an envelope of all the materials our designated team would need and were instructed to give these out throughout the day when each 'course' was 'served'. The rounds the students had to complete were varied and used a range of different skills and, of course, teamwork too. The best thing about the rounds was that we, as teachers, were allowed to take all of the resources back to our schools to use with our classes and have since been e-mailed a link to all the digital copies of the resources. I have since used the resources with my set 1 Y11s and they too enjoyed the tasks and the 'group work' lessons I put on for them based on the activities presented on the day.
I want to show all of these, but understanding that there are still events being held across the country I don't want to give any spoilers away or post the link to the resources that another school could use to 'prepare' themselves!
However, here's a few pics of one particular round that one of our teams were successful in (they each got a certificate for getting full marks in the round)...
(the inclusion of the photos wouldn't help anyone produce them as I couldn't put the blooming things together (one for @c0mplexnumber possibly)!)

*permission was granted by students/parents for their pictures to be taken during the event, but I blurred them out using 'Skitch' anyway. Anonymity and all that!*

Considering we were competing with a lot of private schools, who scored highly on all rounds, I was proud of how our teams competed and how they behaved on the day. I must also say that the school I was supervising were equally impressive and it was a pleasure supervising them on the day - I let their teacher know this too.

As this was the first trip I organised I was in 'super stressed' mode throughout the morning before we eventually got to the venue at the University of Surrey. The work needed to arrange the trip, get students on board, get parents to sign permission slips, arrange the use of the school's minibus, arrange for letters and all other admin 'stuff' to be sorted, sort cover, get a colleague to drive the minibus (I took and passed my minibus test earlier this year but can only drive our smaller bus, the larger one was the only one we could have for the day), get there on time and keep everyone safe etc was frankly exhausting, but having now done all of this I can say it was totally worth it...and it'll make the next time slightly easier as I'll know what's expected.

I would love to go on a similar trip provided by the FMSP and will look to do so in the future. I would also recommend this event to other schools thinking of taking a group of students out for an afternoon (the day ran from 2pm - 5pm). You can get more details on what the event entailed by going to the FMSP website here.

It's 'Revision Season' again, which means...Revision Cards!!

As I write this post we are but 80 days away from the 1st (Edexcel Linear) GCSE Mathematics exam! 'Revision Season' is therefore well underway and when students aren't out doing examinations for other subjects (whilst we wait patiently, as per usual, for the Mathematics GCSE exams right at the end of the exam season) we're using lesson time to go over topics my students and I have identified as needing a 'refresher', doing the past papers and generally...revising!
Now, I'm a big fan of revision - I have loads of ways I have got students to revise in the past, in the hope that they'll find a way that works best for them and then stick to that method when revising at home. I've used my Mr Collins Table Sheets, Deal or No Deal Revision, Past Paper relays etc etc etc. But one thing I've not mentioned on my blog before is my 'Revision Cards' that I get my students to create to help them remember key facts, rules and information.

The revision cards are a set of templates that students cut out and create to help them remember information like circle theorems, differences between HCF/LCM and volume/surface area, BIDMAS, fractions, ways of solving quadratic equations...pretty much any topic can be revised by using a Revision Card.
I provide my students with a range of templates to use and they essentially do the rest, using their exercise books or text books to copy examples/diagrams/questions/graphs etc onto their revision cards.

I have put all of the revision card templates (with examples and instructions for each) onto my TES resources for others to use if they feel they are worth using.
Literally, this evening, I have planned a lesson for my lower Y11 class where they will be creating a Revision Card to help them remember the key formulae when asked to find the circumference and area of circles, as well as labeling key parts of a circle and constructing circles using a compass. I'll be printing my '4 fold' Revision Card (available in the resource) for them and some blank circles to label as well as some questions to cut up and stick onto their Revision Cards. Printing these on coloured paper makes them even more attractive and makes them stand out from their other revision materials.

Here are some screen shots of some of my other Revision Cards I have used in the past and will be using in the run up to their GCSE examinations...

The front page of my 39-page resource - full of examples of the Revision Cards.
 The '4 fold' Revision Card example/instruction page (there's one of these for each of the Revision Cards)
The '4 fold' Fractions/4 operations template card. There's also a blank one that you can use for the revision of any topic (like I'm doing tomorrow with circles (area, circumference, labeling and constructing [possibly areas of sectors and length of arcs too]))
 My 'Vertical 7' Revision Card - ideal for the Circle Theorems
Here's the 'Vertical 7' Circle Theorems template with each theorem's blank diagram ready for students to label/make notes on etc. There's also a blank 'Vertical 7' for the revision of other topics.

My Revision Cards resource can obviously be used for any Mathematics topic, but also any subject - all you'll need are the templates (there's one of these for each type of Revision Card in the resource) and just use the Mathematics templates as examples as to what can be done!

You can find these on my TES resources by clicking here. If you like them, think they're worth it and your students benefit from using them, please comment on the resource! :)

Pi Day and the National Mathematics Teacher Conference III

3/14/15 9:26:53
Pi Day!
Aston University
La Salle Education's 3rd National Mathematics Teacher Conference

This was the first of @LaSalleEd's Mathematics Teacher Conferences I had been to and it was a fantastic day of meeting with colleagues (in the wider sense), learning, doing Mathematics and listening to some great teachers speak about what they've been doing in their schools.

On arrival I was presented with my goodie bag for the day and my name tag.

The event was held, weirdly (for me) at my previous University where I studied Information Mathematics for 2 years before deciding Uni wasn't for me (that's another story [I eventually did my degree part-time, whilst working, via the University of East London and ICS]).
Aston Uni was our host and the Aston Conference centre was where I parked for the day and stayed overnight - all of which I was extremely impressed by.

Aston Uni entrance, the only part of the University that hadn't seemed to have changed since 2004 when I left (I was shocked to see that Lawrence Tower, and the other residential buildings, had been knocked down and in there place other facilities built)

The day started by us all gathering in the main lecture hall where we heard key personnel from La Salle Ed, AQA and the DfE talk, all, of course, kicked off at 9:26:53!
After these talks we had a brief 'Speed Dating' session where I picked up a few ideas from my colleagues around me. The ideas were:

1 - from www.mismatchtea.co.uk a starter task that students had stuck in the front of their exercise books at the start of the year. The teacher gave students a number of the day and then 3-4 letters to attempt

2 - 'Dicey Algebra' starter task - students get a dice in pairs to roll random numbers (not just a 6-sided-dice either) and then choose one of the 8 expressions on the sheet given them a value for that expression, they played until all expressions were chosen and valued, the person with the highest total for all their chosen expressions wins! I'll be using this one tomorrow with my Y10s prior to plotting quadratic graphs!

The idea I shared was the 'My Favourite No' starter task, which you can read more about in my previous blog post earlier this school year when setting up my classroom. Click here.

A massive thank you to the colleagues who shared these ideas with me during the 'Speed Dating'. If they were you...let me know by commenting below or via Twitter @mrprcollins so I can give you a shout out here!

Then, the first of the three sessions I signed up to started.

My first session was with @HelenHindle1 and was all about 'Growth Mindset Maths'. This was something that I have been reading about and interested in since a year or so ago when I was reading Jo Boaler's books and subsequently took part in her Stanford University online course, which drew on Carol Dweck's work on the 'Growth Mindset'. So I was looking forward to hearing about how other teachers were trying to implement this approach in their schools.

 Our starter task on arriving to the session.

I enjoyed this session a lot and particularly liked the idea of having students' personal stories of how they had changed their mindset towards their Mathematics lessons and having these on display in the corridors, rather than having David Beckham's story on the wall - no offence Dave! Something that would highlight students perseverance, improvement and attitude in the subject for their peers to see. I can imagine if you got the right students pictures/stories up on the wall it'd have a good impact.
I also liked the fact Helen's school gave all students a 'mindset' questionnaire to complete at the start of the year, all the resources she pointed out that are available on her fantastic blog and the learning journeys whereby their school had come away from levels/grades and to where students were along a series of tasks/objectives.
See all of Helen's resources and more on her session via her blog here.

Next was lunch, time for the exhibition/networking and the #TweetUp

I spent some time in the exhibition speaking to various companies/organisations, mainly AQA to learn more about their new qualifications, the 'Core Maths' and their '90 maths problems'! Also, during this time there was a few Maths questions to answer as part of the 'treasure hunt' competition...

I nailed this one! :-p

During the #TweetUp I met with some of my South East colleagues, namely...
We were working on the Bingo cards that @MrReddyMaths et al had organised for the event as well as trying to answer @solvemymaths' puzzles! It was great to put names to some famous Twitter folk!

That South-East selfie!
I'm at the back-right *waves*!

Following the lunch break I then went along to my 2nd of the 3 sessions. This session was with Robert Wilne (@NCETMsecondary) and was all about developing reasoning across KS3, 4 and 5. The session was as inspiring as it was fast-paced. I got loads of ideas from this session as to how we can be deepening students' understanding rather than just getting through a scheme of work. I totally agree with the depth rather than breadth argument and feel students in Y7/8 should only be focusing on developing their basic Mathematics/Numeracy and then in Y9-11 that's when they start building on their learning and preparing for their GCSEs and Mathematics after secondary school.

Here's what Robert found having visited Singapore...

Lots to think about here as to how we teach Mathematics

The third and final session was with the fantastic @mathsjem (Jo Morgan). Jo's session was all about the different methods and approaches to tackling certain topics. We were given a workbook on arrival and I liked that we did some Mathematics at the same time as learning of different methods that existed to teach certain topics - some of which I had used myself in the session, had taught before and others that I had never even heard of. It was good talking to those around me about what methods they used/taught and why they found that to be the best way for their students. I also got to meet @solvemymaths (Ed Southall) here.

Jo, obviously, has already written a blog post about the Mathematics Conference and you can see her presentation & more here!

Finally, we gathered back in the main lecture theatre and had the winners of competitions announced and the day ended formally by Mark from @LaSalleEd.

I had a fantastic day/weekend up in Birmingham and will look to attend all future events where possible. Back at school...on the Friday before Pi Day I got all my current students to sign my Pi Day t-shirt. I thought it'd be a nice idea to get them all to sign it so that in years to come I can look back and remember who I was teaching on the only Pi Day in our lifetimes where the date and time will sync up with the digits of Pi!
Here's my keepsake...


I'm planning on displaying this in my classroom when I can steal a mannequin/bust from Art/Textiles! :)

Thanks to all involved at the weekend to make the conference as beneficial as it was and hello to all/any new followers!

GCSE Trigonometry Revision

On arriving back at school after Easter I got my Y11s to write down, on a cue card, all the topics that they still felt they needed to go over or wanted to revise in class.
It was the perfect time to do this as they had sat a 2nd mock set of papers before Easter and were able to go through these papers, and all previous papers given to them over the course of the year, to pick out the topics that they were still getting wrong or needed support with.
I then told them that I would look over their topics and choose those that came up more often than others to cover in class in the run-in to their GCSEs. I also said that I would keep all of their cards bound together so that if/when they should seek support after school at our 'Maths Club' I have their personal list of topics to hand to go over with them. Here are there cards...(I keep them in my folder for their class so they're always at hand/easy to locate)...

One of the topics that came up on almost all of their cards was some form of Trigonometry, whether it be 'basic trig (SOHCAHTOA)', or using the Sine and Cosine rule, or Pythagoras' theorem. So, I decided to put together a revision sheet for them to use when deciding how to answer exam questions on these topics. I created the sheet in ppt and then saved it as a pdf to print off onto A3 paper - making the revision sheet large enough for them to see all the different Trig examples and write their own answers to the questions on the sheets along with any of their own personal notes/mnemonics etc.
On the sheet I included a series of sections, some for right-angled triangles and some for non-right angled triangles, with questions for each type (finding a length/angle, etc). I then added in when they would need to use each formula/type of Trig.
The only thing I didn't put on the sheet was finding the area of a triangle using 1/2abSinC as we had gone over this in the week or so before Easter.

I gave these out in class and then got students to answer each question on the sheet adding in any notes. I got them to put all their answers to 3 significant figures to also practise this skill.
Here's one of my students' completed sheets...

This is available to download from my TES resources if you think it'd be useful for your students too.
Click here.

After my students completed their Trigonometry revision sheet they then used it to answer questions from our text books/past exam paper questions I printed off for them.They found it really useful having the notes/examples that they had completed themselves when doing this and later took their sheets home to use when revising.
I plan to also do one of these sheets for coordinate geometry and have previously done a similar activity for the Circle Theorems. I'll upload these to the TES too in due course...

GCSE Data Handling Revision

It's half term, which means I'll be heading to school on Wednesday to do a revision session with my Y11 classes, well those who have been 'invited' in; we've picked those students who still need a bit of help and/or are below their target grade.
I'm also doing a bit of private tutoring at the moment and so have plenty to do tomorrow.

As a result, I've created a presentation which goes through the main data handling topics and highlights key bits of information students need to remember for their exams. Things like where to plot points and what to plot, how to arrange a stem and leaf diagram, how to set up a two way table, etc.

I have added the presentation to my TES resources (free), which is available here.

I plan on showing the presentation to my Y11s/private tutees this week and at the same time have them annotate an A3 poster(s) that I will create at school tomorrow when I can get some paper and print off the particular questions/graphs/charts. I will add this poster to my resource on the TES when it is completed (NOW UPLOADED! [26/05]). I will use the same questions that are on the slides, but just leave them as that on the A3 sheet(s) so my students can annotate over them, make their own notes, etc. This, they can then keep for their own revision.

Here are the sheets (before completion):

 Higher and Foundation Topics

Higher Topics (at present) only

I will post a picture on here tomorrow once one of my tutees has tried out the resource to show you what the finished article looks like.
Update 26/06 - - > Here's the finished version:

I hope this is useful for others and...happy revising!

Mr Collins
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